
How Do I Beat Level 837 In Lily's Garden

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  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Physical Abilities
  • 3 Devil Fruit
    • 3.1 Special Homies
  • 4 Haki
    • 4.1 Haoshoku Haki
    • 4.2 Busoshoku Haki
    • 4.3 Kenbunshoku Haki
  • 5 Swordsmanship
  • 6 Weapons
  • 7 References
  • 8 Site Navigation


As one of the Four Emperors, Big Mom is one of the four most powerful pirates in the world.[17] As the only female member, this effectively makes Big Mom the single most powerful female pirate in the world. The Five Elders have stated that she is one of the few people capable of stopping Blackbeard.[18] When her fellow Emperor Kaidou, known as the strongest creature in the world, threatened to kill her if she came to his territory, Big Mom simply invited him to try and said he would not be able to dissuade her.[19] Even the Straw Hat Pirates recognize that she could crush them quickly and easily if they fought her recklessly.[20] [21]

Through her strength as one of the most powerful pirates, Big Mom has managed to amass a very powerful crew,[22] as well as several strong subordinates such as Jinbe, a fish-man and former Warlord of the Sea,[23] and Capone Bege, one of the members of the Worst Generation.[24] She possesses considerable influence within the Underworld as well, having connections to the Vinsmoke Family, which leads the legendary Germa 66.[25] Those who marry her children automatically become part of her crew.[26]

While under Big Mom's protection, Fish-Man Island is protected from pirate attacks, indicating a powerful influence similar to that of the late Whitebeard.[27] She is known to destroy entire countries over sweets[28] and is intimidating enough that even her underlings Pekoms and Tamago, who are powerful in their own right, are afraid of talking to her when she is angered.[29] In fact, almost everyone, including her own children, has been shown to fear her. Ironically, this fear makes Big Mom stronger due to the nature of her Devil Fruit powers.[30] Big Mom's arrival during a battle between her crew and the Sun Pirates and Germa 66 brought great jubilation to her crew, indicating that her presence would likely turn the tide of the battle in their favor.[31] After regaining her memory Big Mom was also able to scare Queen of the Beast Pirates, with the later even admitting that he did not stand a chance in battle against her, despite having defied her when she was amnesiac over oshiruko earlier.[32] Even after being captured and held by pure seastone chains and kept under watch of the All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates, the crew continued to feed her sweets to keep her in a good mood, while constantly fearing her presence alone.[33]

Big Mom's overall influence allows her to gather information about the backgrounds of people she is interested in, with said information being used to issue threats and demands.[34] It is said that even demons would attend her tea parties if they were invited.[35]

In spite of Big Mom's incredible strength, her greatest weakness is her wavering mental state. Whenever she enters her craving sickness, she will act wild and out of control, endangering everyone around her, including her allies, and becoming unable to think or act rationally until she gets the food she is craving. Similarly, if her portrait of Mother Carmel is damaged in any way, Big Mom will suffer a mental breakdown, falling to her knees and crying while becoming completely oblivious to everything around her, even when threatened, as seen during Bege's assassination attempt.

At the early age of six, Linlin's first known bounty was Beli.png 50,000,000, implying that even at such a young age she was considered a significant threat. This bounty later increased to at least Beli.png 500,000,000[11] and as one of the Four Emperors, her current bounty is Beli.png 4,388,000,000.

Physical Abilities

A 5-year-old Linlin fatally injuring Jorul, a large giant.

Big Mom has immense superhuman physical strength, demonstrated by her ability to climb tall buildings despite her massive size,[36] throw punches with tremendous destructive power,[37] and hurl Prometheus with extreme force using only a single arm.[38] She was already born with her unnatural strength, as seen when she killed a large bear instantly with a single smack, merely intending to scold the animal, as well as broke several of a giant's bones by trying to slap a mosquito on their back, all when she was just 5 years old. When suffering from her cravings, she could destroy a village in Elbaf and defeat several armed giants without a single scratch, being described by Jorul as an "evil god in the form of a child".[39] She was strong enough to not only break Jorul's sword with her fist when he tried to attack her, but also grab the giant's beard, flip him over her shoulder, and smash him into the ground with enough force to mortally wound him. Carmel believed she had the potential to become an Admiral or Fleet Admiral of the Marines.[40]

Big Mom easily smashes Queen in his enormous brachiosaurus form.

According to Bege, she can single-handedly wreak havoc on towns and sink battleships without any effort. During a craving-caused rampage of hers in Sweet City, it was estimated that she might even bring down her mountain-sized castle itself if no one were to stop her.[36] Katakuri also noted that his mother can destroy Totto Land itself and cause even worse unimaginable destruction.[41] She was able to break through the metal doors of her castle's treasure room, which even her daughter and Sweet Commander Smoothie could not break through, just by walking into them.[42] Even while sleeping, she could smash the stone floor around her bed by simply tossing and turning, as well as do the same with a slap while half-asleep to merely kill a fly.[43] Big Mom also easily damaged Bege's Big Father fortress form, which has immense defensive power. Later on, Big Mom easily defeated Germa 66 commanders Vinsmoke Judge, Vinsmoke Niji, and Vinsmoke Yonji by herself, the latter two being genetically enhanced superhumans, without incurring so much as a scratch on her person.[44] She can also walk through the ground unscathed without being slowed down. While in an amnesiac state she was also capable of easily overpowering the powerful Ancient Zoan user Queen, jumping up to his head, grabbing it and smashing it into the ground with tremendous force[45] before effortlessly lifting and throwing him into a wall[46] and easily overpowering Luffy's Haki defense and sending him flying into a wall with a single punch.[47] She was also able to clash equally with her fellow emperor Kaidou for two days without being injured.[48]

Big Mom also possesses tremendous superhuman durability due to her extremely tough skin, being compared by Sanji and Capone Bege to an iron balloon. She is able to destroy cities, sink ships, and resist cannon and gun fire without receiving a single injury. It is said that no weapon can pierce her skin. She is also able to grab Prometheus, put him in her hair and ride on him for a long period without getting any burns despite Prometheus being a miniature sun. However, it loses its toughness completely when she is in a psychological crisis, such as when someone dropped Mother Carmel's photograph that she holds dear to the point that just falling to her knees could cause her to bleed.[49] She easily destroyed Vinsmoke Judge's spear with her teeth when he tried to attack her with it.[50] Big Mom later took a massive thunderbolt from Zeus that was empowered by Nami's Weather Egg, which was powerful enough to create a giant crater in the ground, and was completely unfazed by it.[51] This is a tremendous feat, as a regular unenhanced thunderbolt from Zeus was powerful enough to knock out Vinsmoke Judge in one hit.[52] Later on, she withstood the force of Pedro's suicidal explosion—a massive explosion powerful enough to grievously injure Charlotte Perospero, despite him wearing a Candy Armor to mitigate its effects—only to rise again absolutely unscathed. Shortly afterwards, she took a point-blank hit from the Thousand Sunny's Coup de Burst and was once again completely unaffected by it. While in an emaciated and hungry state, she also took the full force of Jinbe's Buraikan and quickly recovered without apparent damage.[53] She also withstood Queen falling onto her head with the full weight of his brachiosaurus form and suffered no significant damage.[54] However, even at full strength, Linlin's durability is implied to have limits, as both Bege and Brûlée believed that falling from the top of Whole Cake Chateau would have actually killed her.[55]

She also has a very high level of stamina and endurance. She was able continue to act normally after being wrapped one hundred times in 100% pure Seastone chains and receiving one hundred shots of heavy strength tranquilizer that is normally used for wild animals.[56] No other character in the series has been shown to be able to ignore the weakening effects of Seastone, even without being injected with tranquilizer.

Besides her tremendous strength and durability, Big Mom's body also possesses other abnormal characteristics. Her metabolism seems to be extremely fast, which can limit her endurance. While suffering from a craving for wedding cake, she quickly burned through her excess fat, becoming much slimmer mere hours after the craving fit had started. While she is significantly more agile in this skinnier state,[57] her skin seems to become much less durable, as she received superficial burns and bruises after being struck by her homie Zeus' discharged lightning,[58] which she had withstood without issue while in her heavier state.[51] This, however, seems to be a secondary effect of her cravings, as she was able to fight Kaidou for two days without getting slimmer or weakened while in her normal state of mind.[48] Her sense of smell also seems to be extremely acute, as she was able to catch the wedding cake's scent despite the ship carrying it being several miles away and barely visible in the horizon.[59]

Big Mom releases a shrieking cry.

Big Mom also has the ability to emit an extremely loud shriek when psychologically destabilized.[60] Her scream is powerful enough to send nearby objects flying and completely incapacitate those around her, causing them to either faint or cover their ears in pain, even individuals as powerful as Luffy or Sweet Commanders Smoothie and Katakuri. The Vinsmoke siblings, who were genetically enhanced to have superhuman fortitude, were also shaken by her scream until they were given earplugs. The sheer pressure from her scream, along with her Haoshoku Haki, can destroy incoming projectiles before they reach her body, providing a form of defense in lieu of her usual bodily toughness.[61]

Devil Fruit

Further information: Soru Soru no Mi

Big Mom removes Moscato's lifespan.

After the death of its previous owner, Carmel, Linlin somehow acquired the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manifest peoples' souls as an ethereal substance that she can grab hold of, so long as the intended victim feels fear.[62] She can then steal the soul from the victim, taking away their lifespan by an amount of her choosing. She can take a person's entire remaining lifespan, thus killing them instantly, or she can just take part of that person's remaining lifespan, leaving their lifespan that much shorter.[63] However, this ability has no effect on those who do not feel fear, as was shown when Big Mom was unable to take away Jinbe's lifespan because he was not afraid of her.[64]

Once she has them, Big Mom can infuse the stolen souls into objects to give them life, turning them into beings called homies, which act as her servants. Nearly anything can be made into a homie, including animals, plants, minerals, liquids, furniture, food, buildings and even intangible things such as fire, air, and light. Anything made into a homie gains human-like attibutes, such as the ability to walk and talk. The only things that cannot be made into homies are people and corpses.

She can also consume her own soul in order to make herself bigger and stronger.[65]

She can also create incarnations of her own soul that will complete the task of collecting souls.[66]

Special Homies

Big Mom with her special homies in battle.

In addition to creating homies from the souls she has taken from others, Big Mom can use fragments of her own soul to create "special homies", which are far more powerful than regular homies due to being made from her incredibly powerful soul. Her special homies consist of Zeus, a thundercloud summoned with her left hand; Prometheus, a sun summoned with her right hand; and Napoleon, a bicorne she wears on her head. These three special homies are Big Mom's most powerful weapons.

Zeus and Prometheus can unleash extremely powerful lightning bolts and flames, and Big Mom can also combine their powers to manipulate the weather and create massive storms.[67] She can also ride either Zeus or Prometheus to fly through the air at high speed.[68]. Napoleon can telepathically receive information from other homies and relay it to Big Mom,[69] and can also reveal a retractable blade and hilt, allowing him to transform into a sword with devastating offensive power, which he can use to both attack on his own[70] or be wielded by Big Mom in combat.[71]

Big Mom using a new move thanks to Hera.

During the Straw Hats' invasion of Totto Land, Zeus was captured by Nami and turned into her servant,[72] although Big Mom managed to reclaim him during the Fire Festival raid on Onigashima.[73] However, after once again losing Zeus during the battle against the Worst Generation on the rooftop of the Skull Dome, Big Mom, angered by Zeus' perceived incompetence, and at Prometheus' suggestion, decided to replace him with a new thundercloud special homie named Hera,[74] who proved to be stronger and more in sync with her fellow special homies than Zeus ever was, allowing for Big Mom and her homies to use stronger and more complex moves. Big Mom later had Hera consume Zeus in order to merge their souls together and increase her power.[75]


Main article: Haki

Big Mom is one of the few people in the world who is capable of using all three forms of Haki. Law stated that he could not directly move Big Mom around inside his "Room" due to her Haki being too strong.[76]

Haoshoku Haki

Big Mom uses Haoshoku Haki.

Big Mom possesses Haoshoku Haki.[60] She was first seen using it at Sanji and Pudding's wedding to knock a man out for questioning her relationship with Mother Carmel.[77] When her portrait of Carmel was destroyed, a distraught Big Mom unleashed her Haki, which, along with her loud screams, incapacitated most of the party guests.[78]

Big Mom punches Page One with Haoshoku Haki.

When she fought with Kaidou at Onigashima, the clash of their Haoshoku Haki caused a massive shockwave that split the sky open.[79] Big Mom is also one of the few individuals able to imbue their Haoshoku Haki into their body or objects, signified by thin lightning-like streams of dark energy emanating from the imbued area. This allows her to dramatically increase her attack power as a supplement to her natural physical strength and Busoshoku Haki.[80]

Busoshoku Haki

Big Mom uses Busoshoku Haki.

Big Mom has vast mastery of Busoshoku Haki. By hardening her arm, she easily blocked Luffy's Gear Fourth Kong Gun with just one arm, a notable feat, since that attack had been shown to be capable of breaking through the powerful Haki defenses of highly skilled Busoshoku Haki users such as Doflamingo, Cracker, and Katakuri. Like Luffy's Gear Fourth, her Busoshoku sports flame marks at its ending.[81] She is also capable of using the advanced application of projecting her Busoshoku Haki out from her body, allowing her to strike opponents without directly making contact with them.[80]

Kenbunshoku Haki

Big Mom possesses the ability to use Kenbunshoku Haki.[16]


Further information: Napoleon

Big Mom using Napoleon as a sword.

Big Mom's bicorne, Napoleon, can reveal a hidden blade and handle and become her personal weapon.[71] Using it in combination with her monstrous strength allows her to unleash powerful shockwaves that can cause massive destruction.[82] None have yet shown to prove able to withstand Napoleon's powerful strikes, as even Jinbe was overwhelmed by the blade despite putting up his best Haki defenses. Napoleon can also be engulfed in Prometheus's flames to increase its attack power.[83]


In her youth, she was seen wielding a flintlock during the battle at God Valley.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 651 (p. 10-13) and Episode 571, Big Mom debuts.
  2. 2.0 2.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 957 (p. 6) and Episode 958, Sengoku talks about the Rocks Pirates.
  3. 3.0 3.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 581 (p. 5) and Episode 490, Kid mentions Big Mom as one of the three remaining Emperors.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 812 (p. 17) and Episode 763, Bege reveals the existence of the Charlotte Family.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 829 (p. 17) and Episode 789, Big Mom is identified as the Captain of the Big Mom Pirates and the Queen of Totto Land.
  6. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 866 and Episode 836.
  7. One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 76), Big Mom's birthday is given.
  8. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 (p. 150), Big Mom's age is revealed.
  9. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 88 (p. 96), Big Mom's height is revealed.
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 957 (p. 15) and Episode 958, Linlin's current bounty is revealed.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 868 (p. 9) and Episode 838, Linlin's first and second bounties are revealed.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 93 Chapter 933 (p. 17) and Episode 928, Linlin's alias in Wano is revealed.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 651 (p. 12) and Episode 571, "Big Mom" is revealed to be Linlin's epithet.
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 866 (p. 17) and Episode 836, Jorul condemns Linlin as an "evil spirit in the form of a child".
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 867 (p. 9) and Episode 837, Linlin is known as an "Evil Spirit" among giants across the world.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #0996), Information about Big Mom is revealed.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 432 (p. 7) and Episode 314, Garp reveals that the Four Emperors are the four most powerful pirates in the world.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 594 (p. 3) and Episode 511, The Five Elders note that only the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the other Emperors are capable of stopping Blackbeard's rise to power.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 907 (p. 3) and Episode 887.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 814 (p. 9) and Episode 764, The Straw Hats note that Big Mom could easily crush them if they fought her without a plan.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 859 (p. 2) and Episode 828, At the strategy conference called by Capone Bege, Pedro says that if they fail to assassinate Big Mom within the five second timeframe for diversion, they would all be killed instead, to which Straw Hat Pirates agreed, admiring her power as an Emperor.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 835 (p. 12) and Episode 796, Chopper notes the power and capability of Big Mom's crew.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 652 (p. 2) and Episode 572, Jinbe and Neptune discuss the former's alliance with Big Mom.
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 807 (p. 9) and Episode 756, Nami reveals that Bege has allied himself with Big Mom.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 815 (p. 2, 6) and Episode 766, Pekoms reveals that the Vinsmoke Family leads Germa 66 and is intending to ally themselves with Big Mom.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 815 (p. 5-6) and Episode 766, Pekoms explains the requirements for newcomers to sail under Big Mom.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 610 (p. 13) and Episode 528, Pappug reveals that Big Mom is protecting Fish-Man Island in return for a payment of large amounts of candy each month.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 651 (p. 11) and Episode 571, Big Mom notes how the country Bobbin burned down failed to deliver the sweets they promised her.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 651 (p. 15, 19) and Episode 571, Pekoms states that he does not want to be yelled at by Big Mom, and Tamago cowers in fear when Big Mom admonishes him for trying to negotiate.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 863 and Episode 833.
  31. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 902 (p. 16-17) and Episode 877.
  32. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 947 (p. 9) and Episode 946.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 951 (p. 12-17) and Episode 952, The Beasts Pirates remain fearful of Big Mom despite her being restrained.
  34. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 815 (p. 4-5) and Episode 766, Pekoms lists various people who might be killed in order to punish Sanji for refusing Big Mom's invitation, leading a shocked Luffy to wonder how the Big Mom Pirates know about all of Sanji's connections.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 813 (p. 9) and Episode 763, Vito claims that even the demons of Hell will attend Big Mom's tea parties at her behest.
  36. 36.0 36.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 829 (p. 9-10) and Episode 788, Big Mom climbs a tower in Sweet City.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 829 (p. 12, 14) and Episode 789, Big Mom destroys a large portion of the ground and an entire building with a single punch each.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 829 (p. 8) and Episode 788, Big Mom levels several buildings by throwing a life-imbued sun at them.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 866 and Episode 836.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 867 (p. 11) and Episode 837, Carmel speaks to the Cipher Pol regarding Linlin.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 873 (p. 12) and Episode 844.
  42. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 849 (p. 14) and Episode 815.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 855 (p. 6) and Episode 823.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 871 (p. 10-11, 15) and Episodes 841–842.
  45. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 945 (p. 18-19) and Episode 944.
  46. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 946 (p. 2-5) and Episode 945.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 947 (p. 4-5) and Episode 946.
  48. 48.0 48.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 952 (p. 5), Kaidou and Big Mom continue fighting.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 859 (p. 6-9) and Episode 828.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 871 (p. 10) and Episode 841.
  51. 51.0 51.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 876 (p. 3-5) and Episode 847.
  52. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 871 (p. 11) and Episode 841.
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 890 (p. 12-13) and Episode 864.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 947 (p. 12-14) and Episodes 946–947.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 872 (p. 7) and Episode 842, Bege and Brûlée see Big Mom falling off Whole Cake Chateau's rooftop.
  56. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 951 (p. 12-14) and Episode 952, Big Mom continues to act normally, despite teeing wrapped in 100% pure Seastone chains.
  57. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 890 (p. 3) and Episode 863.
  58. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 890 (p. 15) and Episode 865.
  59. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 892 (p. 2-13) and Episodes 866–867, Big Mom smells the cake on the Nostra Castello.
  60. 60.0 60.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 859 (p. 8) and Episode 828.
  61. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 868 (p. 10-14) and Episode 838.
  62. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 835 (p. 15) and Episode 796, Pound reveals that Big Mom has eaten the Soru Soru no Mi.
  63. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 829 (p. 13) and Episode 789, Big Mom uses her Devil Fruit power to extract 40 years of Moscato's lifespan.
  64. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 863 and Episode 833.
  65. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1031 (p. 6-7).
  66. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 83 Chapter 835 (p. 16) and Episode 796, Pound explains the power of the Soru Soru no Mi.
  67. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 84 Chapter 843 (p. 9) and Episode 806, Pound reveals that Big Mom unleashed a powerful storm to defeat Urouge using two special homies.
  68. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 873 (p. 12) and Episode 844, Big Mom rides Zeus to chase the Straw Hats
  69. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 84 Chapter 848 (p. 4-5) and Episode 813, Napoleon relaying happenings to Big Mom.
  70. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 85 Chapter 855 (p. 6) and Episode 823, Napoleon reveals his sword form.
  71. 71.0 71.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 873 (p. 16-17) and Episode 844, Big Mom attacks the Straw Hats.
  72. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 890 (p. 3, 10, 13-19) and Episodes 863–865, The Sanji Retrieval Team fights against Big Mom and her homies.
  73. One Piece Manga — Vol. 98 Chapter 988 (p. 7-15), Big Mom takes back Zeus.
  74. One Piece Manga — Vol. 100 Chapter 1011 (p. 2-3).
  75. One Piece Manga — Vol. 100 Chapter 1013.
  76. One Piece Manga — Vol. 100 Chapter 1009 (p. 7).
  77. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 861 and Episode 831, Big Mom uses Haoshoku Haki.
  78. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 86 Chapter 865 and Episode 835.
  79. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 94 Chapter 951 (p. 14-19) and Episode 952, Big Mom clashes with Kaidou.
  80. 80.0 80.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 100 Chapter 1011 (p. 18-19), Big Mom uses advanced Haoshoku against Page One.
  81. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 871 and Episode 841, Big Mom uses Busoshoku Haki to block Luffy's Kong Gun.
  82. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 87 Chapter 874 (p. 3-5) and Episode 844.
  83. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 89 Chapter 890 (p. 6-8) and Episode 864.

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[v ·e ·?]

Big Mom Pirates
Captain: Charlotte Linlin
Sweet Commanders: Charlotte Katakuri  • Charlotte Cracker  • Charlotte Smoothie
Officers: Charlotte Perospero  • Charlotte Compote  • Charlotte Daifuku  • Charlotte Oven  • Charlotte Mondée  • Charlotte Amande  • Charlotte Hachée  • Charlotte Effilée  • Charlotte Opera*   • Charlotte Counter  • Charlotte Cadenza  • Charlotte Cabaletta  • Charlotte Custard  • Charlotte Angel  • Charlotte Zuccotto  • Charlotte Brûlée  • Charlotte Broyé  • Charlotte Nusstorte  • Charlotte Basskarte  • Charlotte Dosmarche  • Charlotte Noisette  • Charlotte Moscato  • Charlotte Mash  • Charlotte Cornstarch  • Charlotte Compo  • Charlotte Laurin  • Charlotte Mont-d'Or  • Charlotte Mozart  • Charlotte Marnier  • Charlotte High-Fat  • Charlotte Tablet  • Charlotte Citron  • Charlotte Cinnamon  • Charlotte Saint-Marc  • Charlotte Basans  • Charlotte Melise  • Charlotte Dacquoise  • Charlotte Galette  • Charlotte Poire  • Charlotte Snack  • Charlotte Bavarois  • Charlotte Prim  • Charlotte Kanten  • Charlotte Kato  • Charlotte Montb  • Charlotte Chiboust  • Charlotte Mobile  • Charlotte Marble  • Charlotte Myukuru  • Charlotte Maple  • Charlotte Brownie  • Charlotte Joconde  • Charlotte Raisin  • Charlotte Panna  • Charlotte Mascarpone  • Charlotte Joscarpone  • Charlotte Yuen  • Charlotte Newichi  • Charlotte Newji  • Charlotte Newsan  • Charlotte Newshi  • Charlotte Newgo  • Charlotte Nutmeg  • Charlotte Akimeg  • Charlotte Allmeg  • Charlotte Harumeg  • Charlotte Fuyumeg  • Charlotte Nougat  • Charlotte Pudding  • Charlotte Flampe
Combatants: Capone Bege   • Pekoms*   • Tamago  • Bobbin*
Homies: Napoleon  • Zeus   • Prometheus  • Hera  • Queen Mama Chanter  • Nitro  • Chess Soldiers  • Rabiyan  • Randolph  • Noble Croc  • Kingbaum*   • Ame Umiushi  • Candy Sea Toad
Other Members: Streusen  • Charlotte Anglais  • Charlotte Dolce  • Charlotte Dragée  • Charlotte Anana  • Diesel  • Eggplant Soldier
Subordinates: Fire Tank Pirates (Capone Bege)   • Sun Pirates (Jinbe)
Allies and Affiliates: Beasts Pirates  • Caesar Clown   • Germa 66 (Vinsmoke Family)
Ships: Totto Land Grand Fleet (Queen Mama Chanter  • Tartes)  • Nostra Castello   • Snapper Head
Devil Fruit Based: Soru Soru no Mi  • Mochi Mochi no Mi  • Bisu Bisu no Mi  • Shibo Shibo no Mi  • Pero Pero no Mi  • Hoya Hoya no Mi  • Netsu Netsu no Mi  • Kuri Kuri no Mi  • Mira Mira no Mi  • Buku Buku no Mi  • Bata Bata no Mi  • Gocha Gocha no Mi  • Memo Memo no Mi  • Kuku Kuku no Mi  • Kame Kame no Mi  • Tama Tama no Mi  • Shiro Shiro no Mi
Fighting Style Based: Haki  • Hanayome Bujutsu   • Electro  • Fish-Man Karate   • Sulong
Weapons Based: Mogura  • Pretzel  • Shirauo  • Walker (Candy Jacket)
Support Based: Fluffy Balloon System
Related Articles
Islands: New World  • Totto Land (Whole Cake Island  • 100% Island  • Biscuits Island  • Black Island  • Cacao Island  • Candy Island  • Cheese Island  • Cutlery Island  • Flavor Island  • Fruits Island  • Funwari Island  • Futoru Island  • Ice Island  • Jam Island  • Jelly Island  • Kibo Island  • Kimi Island  • Kinko Island  • Komugi Island  • Liqueur Island  • Loving Island  • Margarine Island  • Milenge Island  • Noko Island  • Nuts Island  • Package Island  • Piepie Island  • Poripori Island  • Potato Island  • Rokumitsu Island  • Sanshoku Island  • Tanega Island  • Topping Island  • Unique Island  • Yakigashi Island)  • Fish-Man Island
Other Locations: Sheep's House   • Whole Cake Chateau  • Mirro-World
Story Arc(s): Fish-Man Island Arc  • Dressrosa Arc  • Zou Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc  • Levely Arc  • Wano Country Arc
Songs: Bloody Party  • NON SUGAR LIFE  • WELCOME VIP  • BADEND MUSICAL  • Soul Pocus ~Song of the Queen~
Others: Four Emperors  • Underworld (Broker)  • Tamatebako  • Gigantification  • Roulette  • Tea Party  • Rocks Pirates

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Charlotte Family
Parents: Charlotte Linlin  • Pound
Children: Perospero  • Compote  • Katakuri  • Daifuku  • Oven  • Mondée  • Amande  • Hachée  • Effilée  • Opera*   • Counter  • Cadenza  • Cabaletta  • Gala  • Cracker  • Custard  • Angel  • Zuccotto  • Brûlée  • Broyé  • Nusstorte  • Basskarte  • Dosmarche  • Noisette  • Moscato  • Mash  • Cornstarch  • Compo  • Laurin  • Mont-d'Or  • Mozart  • Marnier  • High-Fat  • Tablet  • Smoothie  • Citron  • Cinnamon  • Saint-Marc  • Basans  • Melise  • Dacquoise  • Galette  • Poire  • Snack  • Bavarois  • Prim  • Praline  • Kanten  • Kato  • Montb  • Chiboust  • Chiffon  • Lola  • Mobile  • Marble  • Myukuru  • Maple  • Brownie  • Joconde  • Raisin  • Panna  • Mascarpone  • Joscarpone  • Yuen  • Newichi  • Newji  • Newsan  • Newshi  • Newgo  • Nutmeg  • Akimeg  • Allmeg  • Harumeg  • Fuyumeg  • Nougat  • Pudding  • Flampe  • Anglais  • Wafers  • Wiro  • De-Chat  • Normande  • Dolce  • Dragée  • Anana
In-Laws: Aladine  • Capone Bege  • Gotti
Grandchildren: Capone Pez
Groups: Big Mom Pirates  • Rolling Pirates  • Sun Pirates   • Fire Tank Pirates   • Vinsmoke Family (Germa 66)  • Sheep's House
Devil Fruit Based: Soru Soru no Mi  • Pero Pero no Mi  • Mochi Mochi no Mi  • Hoya Hoya no Mi  • Netsu Netsu no Mi  • Kuri Kuri no Mi  • Bisu Bisu no Mi  • Buku Buku no Mi  • Mira Mira no Mi  • Shibo Shibo no Mi  • Bata Bata no Mi  • Memo Memo no Mi  • Gocha Gocha no Mi  • Shiro Shiro no Mi
Fighting Style Based: Haki  • Hanayome Bujutsu   • Fish-Man Karate
Weapons Based: Napoleon  • Prometheus  • Zeus  • Shirauo  • Pretzel  • Walker (Candy Jacket)  • Mogura  • Hera
Support Based: Fluffy Balloon System
Related Articles
Locations: New World  • Totto Land (Whole Cake Island  • 100% Island  • Biscuits Island  • Black Island  • Cacao Island  • Candy Island  • Cheese Island  • Cutlery Island  • Flavor Island  • Fruits Island  • Funwari Island  • Futoru Island  • Ice Island  • Jam Island  • Jelly Island  • Kibo Island  • Kimi Island  • Kinko Island  • Komugi Island  • Liqueur Island  • Loving Island  • Margarine Island  • Milenge Island  • Noko Island  • Nuts Island  • Package Island  • Piepie Island  • Poripori Island  • Potato Island  • Rokumitsu Island  • Sanshoku Island  • Tanega Island  • Topping Island  • Unique Island  • Yakigashi Island)  • Thriller Bark  • Fish-Man Island  • Elbaf
Other Locations: Sheep's House  • Whole Cake Chateau  • Mirro-World
Story Arcs: Thriller Bark Arc  • Fish-Man Island Arc  • Zou Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc  • Levely Arc  • Wano Country Arc
Cover Stories: From the Decks of the World  • "Gang" Bege's Oh My Family
Songs: Bloody Party  • NON SUGAR LIFE  • WELCOME VIP  • Rule of a Holiday  • BADEND MUSICAL  • Soul Pocus ~Song of the Queen~
Other: Four Emperors  • Underworld  • Marriage  • Tea Party

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Four Emperors
Members: Kaidou  • Charlotte Linlin  • Shanks  • Marshall D. Teach  • Edward Newgate
Crews: Beasts Pirates  • Big Mom Pirates  • Red Hair Pirates  • Blackbeard Pirates  • Whitebeard Pirates
Ships: Queen Mama Chanter  • Red Force  • Saber of Xebec  • Moby Dick   • Mammoth
Devil Fruit Based: Gura Gura no Mi  • Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu  • Soru Soru no Mi  • Yami Yami no Mi
Fighting Style Based: Haki
Weapon Based: Hassaikai  • Napoleon  • Prometheus  • Hera  • Gryphon  • Firearms  • Murakumogiri   • Zeus
Related Articles
Locations: New World (Yukiryu Island  • Foodvalten*   • Totto Land (Whole Cake Island)  • Wano Country (Onigashima)  • Hachinosu  • Sphinx)  • Fish-Man Island*
Story Arcs: Romance Dawn Arc  • Loguetown Arc  • Jaya Arc  • Post-Enies Lobby Arc  • Thriller Bark Arc  • Marineford Arc  • Post-War Arc  • Fish-Man Island Arc  • Punk Hazard Arc  • Dressrosa Arc  • Zou Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc  • Levely Arc  • Wano Country Arc
Cover Stories: From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc
Others: Pirate  • Bounties  • Three Great Powers  • Summit War of Marineford  • Payback War  • "Fifth Emperor"  • New Onigashima Project  • Will of D.

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Devil Fruit Users
Canon: Monkey D. Luffy  • Buggy  • Alvida  • Gem  • Mikita  • Nico Robin  • Galdino  • Wapol  • Bentham  • Daz Bonez  • Zala  • Hina  • Bellamy  • Donquixote Doflamingo  • Foxy  • Blueno  • Kalifa  • Very Good  • Shu  • Sharinguru  • Perona  • Brook  • Gecko Moria  • Absalom   • Bartholomew Kuma  • Jewelry Bonney  • Eustass Kid  • Trafalgar D. Water Law  • Capone Bege  • Urouge  • Basil Hawkins  • Scratchmen Apoo  • Boa Hancock  • Magellan  • Emporio Ivankov  • Inazuma  • Edward Newgate   • Jozu  • Blamenco  • Tsuru  • Shiki  • Sanjuan Wolf  • Marshall D. Teach  • Vander Decken IX  • Kin'emon  • Sugar  • Baby 5  • Buffalo  • Trebol  • Issho  • Bartolomeo  • Leo  • Viola  • Giolla  • Kelly Funk  • Gladius  • Senor Pink  • Machvise  • Diamante  • Pica  • Kurozumi Kanjuro  • Donquixote Rosinante   • Mansherry  • Charlotte Linlin  • Charlotte Brûlée  • Charlotte Perospero  • Charlotte Cracker  • Charlotte Galette  • Charlotte Mont-d'Or  • Charlotte Opera*   • Charlotte Smoothie  • Charlotte Pudding  • Charlotte Katakuri  • Charlotte Daifuku  • Charlotte Oven  • Carmel   • Streusen  • Charlotte Newshi  • Belo Betty  • Morley  • Tama  • Kozuki Toki   • Shinobu  • Shiryu  • Kurozumi Higurashi   • Kurozumi Semimaru   • Raizo
Non-Canon: Eldoraggo  • Apis  • Eric*   • Bear King  • Noko  • Blyue  • Accino  • Musshuru  • Largo  • Chameleone  • Lily Enstomach  • Ain  • Binz  • Lambor Bukini  • Breed  • Bildy  • Byrnndi World  • Gairam  • Inchikin  • Bürst  • Bonbon  • Bill   • Tanaka  • Aveyron  • Mad Treasure  • Psycho P  • Gild Tesoro  • Baccarat  • Wilder  • Pokke  • Ann  • Bad One Gracie  • Neiro  • Bounty  • Prize  • Artur Bacca  • Balzac  • Douglas Bullet  • Kardia
Canon (Natural): Dalton  • Tony Tony Chopper  • Pell  • Lassoo  • Drophy  • Chaka  • Pierre  • Rob Lucci  • Funkfreed  • Jabra  • Kaku  • X Drake  • Boa Marigold  • Boa Sandersonia  • Minotaurus  • Minokoala  • Minorhinoceros  • Minozebra  • Onigumo  • Dalmatian  • Epoida  • Marco  • Sengoku  • Pekoms  • Tamago  • Minochihuahua  • Smiley   • Kabu  • Bian  • Jack  • Morgans  • Bunbuku  • Kaidou  • Catarina Devon  • Kurozumi Orochi  • Page One  • King  • Onimaru  • Queen  • Ulti  • Sasaki  • Black Maria  • Who's-Who  • Yamato
Canon (Artificial): Kozuki Momonosuke  • Gifters (Sheepshead  • Ginrummy  • Batman  • Gazelleman‎  • Mouseman  • Holdem  • Snakeman  • Rabbitman  • Speed  • Sarahebi  • Dobon  • Alpacaman  • Daifugo  • Babanuki  • Solitaire  • Madilloman  • Dachoman  • Bao Huang  • Tenjo-Sagari  • Briscola  • Fourtricks  • Hamlet  • Mizerka  • Poker  • Nure-Onna  • Caimanlady  • Wanyudo)
Non-Canon: Chiqicheetah  • Buzz  • Alpacacino  • Pato  • Patrick Redfield  • All-Hunt Grount  • Toratsugu  • Trio the Grip  • Bearman  • Tigerman  • Llamaman
Canon: Smoker  • Crocodile  • Portgas D. Ace   • Enel  • Kuzan  • Marshall D. Teach  • Borsalino  • Sakazuki  • Caribou  • Caesar Clown  • Monet   • Sabo
Non-Canon: Honey Queen  • Simon  • Gasparde
Undetermined Class
Canon: Laffitte  • Karasu
Non-Canon: Smash  • Graydle

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Pirate Captains
Four Blues
East Blue: Monkey D. Luffy  • Alvida  • Buggy  • Kuro  • Krieg  • Yurikah  • Bluejam  • Bartolomeo  • Gally
West Blue: Chesskippa  • Gecko Moria  • Capone Bege  • Sai  • Raccoon
South Blue: Shoujou  • Foxy  • Eustass Kid  • Jewelry Bonney  • Gyro
North Blue: Masira  • Trafalgar D. Water Law  • Basil Hawkins  • X Drake  • Caribou  • Coribou
Grand Line
Paradise: Macro  • Puppu  • Mikazuki  • Goo  • Boa Hancock  • Urouge  • Scratchmen Apoo  • Candy  • Lacuba  • Albion
New World: Charlotte Lola  • Doma  • McGuy  • Decalvan Brothers  • Squard  • Elmy  • Ramba  • A O  • Delacuaji  • Zodia  • Palms  • Bizarre  • Karma  • Pavlik  • Vitan  • Islewan  • Epoida  • Kechatch  • Little Oars Jr.  • Choi  • Arthur  • Hangan  • Reforte  • Whitey Bay  • Andre  • Ninth  • Blondie  • Nosgarl  • Amadob  • Baggaley  • Wallem  • Brew  • Brocca  • Rush  • Great Michael  • Zucca  • Cands  • Kinga  • Colscon  • Agsilly  • Julius  • Happygun  • Sleepy  • Forliewbs  • Shiki  • Haritsu Kendiyo  • Hajrudin  • Cavendish  • Ideo  • Leo  • Orlumbus
Four Emperors: Shanks  • Kaidou  • Charlotte Linlin  • Marshall D. Teach
Retired: Usopp  • Jango  • Zeff  • Dorry  • Brogy  • Wapol  • Bellamy  • Mont Blanc Cricket  • Kibagaeru  • Brook  • Jean Bart  • Portgas D. Ace  • Chadros Higelyges  • Chinjao  • Pedro  • Jinbe  • Jorul  • Jarul  • Who's-Who  • Sasaki
Arrested: Arlong  • Billy  • Devil Dias  • Demaro Black  • Lip Doughty  • Hody Jones  • Vander Decken IX  • Donquixote Doflamingo  • Peachbeard
Deceased: Rocks D. Xebec  • Gol D. Roger  • Edward Newgate  • John  • Roshio  • Yorki  • Fisher Tiger  • Vander Decken  • Diez Barrels
Space: Seamars
Non-Canon: Ganzack  • Woonan  • Eldoraggo  • Gally  • Joke  • Bear King  • Barbarossa  • Simon  • Banzai  • Zenny  • Wetton  • Rapanui Pasqua  • Gasparde  • Bigalo  • Willy  • Bayan  • Omatsuri  • Brief  • Ochanoma Papa  • Puzzle  • Bon Bolbon  • Largo  • Schneider  • Naguri  • Breed  • Byrnndi World  • Bill  • Mad Treasure  • Long Long  • Bounty  • Prize  • Artur Bacca

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Rulers: Loki
Giant Citizens: Dorry   • Brogy   • Jorul   • Jarul  • Oimo  • Kashii  • Hajrudin   • Stansen   • Gerd  • Raideen  • Eiri  • Road  • Goldberg  • Blyue   • Lily Enstomach   • Panz Fry
Sheep's House: Carmel   • Charlotte Linlin   • Pandora  • John Giant
Devil Fruits: Mini Mini no Mi   • Soru Soru no Mi
Related Articles
Groups: Giant Warrior Pirates  • World Government   • New Giant Warrior Pirates (Buggy's Delivery   • Straw Hat Grand Fleet)
Story Arcs: Little Garden Arc  • Enies Lobby Arc  • Z's Ambition Arc   • Dressrosa Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc
Others: Giants  • Winter Solstice Festival

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Titles: King  • Queen  • Prince  • Princess
Royal Families: Nefertari Family  • Gorgon Sisters  • Neptune Family  • Riku Family  • Donquixote Family   • Vinsmoke Family  • Charlotte Family  • Kozuki Family  • Kurozumi Family*
Levely Participants
Arabasta: Nefertari Cobra  • Nefertari Titi   • Nefertari Vivi
Drum/Sakura Kingdom: Dalton  • Wapol's Father   • Wapol
Black Drum Kingdom: Wapol  • Kinderella
Ilisia Kingdom: Thalassa Lucas  • Cezar
Goa Kingdom: Sterry  • Sarie Nantokanette
Ryugu Kingdom: Poseidon   • Neptune  • Otohime   • Fukaboshi  • Ryuboshi  • Manboshi  • Shirahoshi
Dressrosa: Donquixote Doflamingo   • Riku Doldo III  • Scarlett   • Viola  • Rebecca
Germa Kingdom: Vinsmoke Judge  • Vinsmoke Sora   • Vinsmoke Reiju  • Vinsmoke Ichiji  • Vinsmoke Niji  • Vinsmoke Sanji   • Vinsmoke Yonji
Lulusia Kingdom: Seki  • Komane
Roshwan Kingdom: Beer VI  • Matryo Princesses
South Fire Kingdom: Jeep  • Wheel
Nagagutsu Kingdom: Furrari  • Tritobu
Others: Bartholomew Kuma*   • Elizabello II*   • Ramen*   • Chap*   • Iwatobi*   • Ham Burger*   • Tea IV*   • Ban Dedessinée*   • Mororon*   • Tacos*   • Moqueca*   • Nashi*   • Mari*   • Sauce*   • Neggy*   • Couran*   • Lemoncheese*   • Potaufeu  • Samosa  • Stroganoff*
Other Royals
Skypiea: Ubau   • Gan Fall  • Enel
Amazon Lily: Boa Hancock  • Boa Sandersonia  • Boa Marigold  • Gloriosa
Tontatta Kingdom: Gancho  • Mansherry
Mokomo Dukedom: Inuarashi  • Nekomamushi  • Hitsugisukan*
Wano Country: Kurozumi Orochi  • Kozuki Sukiyaki
Others: Goldfish Princess*   • Aruyutayan V*   • Emporio Ivankov*   • Charlotte Linlin*   • Loki*   • Cavendish*   • Bellett   • Avalo Pizarro
Non-Canon Royals
Crown Island: Kirin Lion   • Mobambi
Mecha Island: Ratchet  • Roba
Strumia: Taylor  • Lance
Others: Atoli*   • Cello*   • Musshuru*   • Caroline*
Related Articles
Story Arcs: Arabasta Saga (Reverse Mountain Arc  • Whisky Peak Arc  • Little Garden Arc  • Drum Island Arc  • Arabasta Arc)  • Sky Island Saga (Jaya Arc  • Skypiea Arc)  • Summit War Saga (Amazon Lily  • Impel Down  • Marineford Arc  • Post-War Arc)  • Fish-Man Island Saga (Return to Sabaody Arc  • Fish-Man Island Arc)  • Dressrosa Saga (Punk Hazard Arc  • Dressrosa Arc)  • Yonko Saga (Zou Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc  • Levely Arc)
Cover Stories: Hatchan's Sea-Floor Stroll  • Wapol's Omnivorous Hurrah  • From the Decks of the World  • From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc  • The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet
Terms: Kingdoms  • Levely  • World Government  • Void Century  • Royal Guards

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Haki Users
Kenbunshoku Haki
Canon: Marshall D. Teach  • Satori  • Shura  • Gedatsu  • Aisa  • Enel  • Ohm  • Boa Sandersonia  • Edward Newgate   • Monkey D. Luffy  • Koby  • Silvers Rayleigh  • Roronoa Zoro  • Sanji  • Otohime   • Kin'emon  • Rebecca  • Usopp  • Issho  • Charlotte Katakuri  • Helmeppo  • Shanks  • Dracule Mihawk  • Trafalgar D. Water Law  • Sakazuki  • Borsalino  • Sentomaru  • Smoker  • Tashigi  • Marco  • Jozu  • Vista  • Boa Hancock  • Boa Marigold  • Jinbe  • Crocus  • Shirahoshi  • Bellamy  • Jesus Burgess  • Pekoms  • Tamago  • Sabo  • Rob Lucci  • Monkey D. Garp  • Tsuru  • Sengoku  • Kuzan  • Stussy  • Hotori  • Kotori  • Kalgara   • Vergo   • Kozuki Momonosuke  • Donquixote Doflamingo  • Diamante  • Trebol  • Pica  • Kurozumi Kanjuro  • Kaku  • Kalifa  • Blueno  • Jabra  • Fukurou  • Kumadori  • Momonga  • Chinjao  • Sai  • Cavendish  • Bastille  • Edward Weevil  • Inuarashi  • Nekomamushi  • Pedro  • Charlotte Linlin  • Charlotte Perospero  • Charlotte Cracker  • Charlotte Smoothie  • Charlotte Daifuku  • Charlotte Oven  • Basil Hawkins  • Ulti  • Kaidou  • Kikunojo  • Gol D. Roger   • Morley  • Belo Betty  • Lindbergh  • Karasu  • Kozuki Oden   • Izou  • Raizo  • Denjiro  • Ashura Doji  • Kawamatsu  • Jack  • King  • Queen  • Page One  • Who's-Who  • Black Maria  • Sasaki  • Yamato  • Eustass Kid  • Scratchmen Apoo  • X Drake  • Killer  • Portgas D. Ace
Non-Canon: Patrick Redfield
Busoshoku Haki
Canon: Monkey D. Garp  • Silvers Rayleigh  • Sentomaru  • Marguerite  • Boa Marigold  • Boa Sandersonia  • Kuzan  • Borsalino  • Sakazuki  • Marco  • Jozu  • Boa Hancock  • Vista  • Edward Newgate   • Shanks  • Monkey D. Luffy  • Roronoa Zoro  • Sanji  • Pekoms  • Trafalgar D. Water Law  • Smoker  • Tashigi  • Vergo   • Donquixote Doflamingo  • Chinjao  • Sai  • Boo  • X Drake  • Jesus Burgess  • Sabo  • Issho  • Bellamy  • Pica  • Dracule Mihawk  • Kin'emon  • Kurozumi Kanjuro  • Charlotte Cracker  • Charlotte Counter  • Charlotte Cadenza  • Charlotte Katakuri  • Jinbe  • Charlotte Linlin  • Draw  • Portgas D. Ace   • Charlotte Raisin  • Marshall D. Teach  • Tamago  • Rob Lucci  • Tsuru  • Sengoku  • Stussy  • Hyogoro  • Diamante  • Trebol  • Kaku  • Kalifa  • Blueno  • Jabra  • Fukurou  • Kumadori  • Momonga  • Cavendish  • Bastille  • Edward Weevil  • Inuarashi  • Nekomamushi  • Pedro  • Kawamatsu  • Charlotte Perospero  • Charlotte Smoothie  • Charlotte Daifuku  • Charlotte Oven  • Kozuki Oden   • Gol D. Roger   • Ulti  • Kikunojo  • Izou  • Denjiro  • Ashura Doji  • Yamato  • Kaidou  • Koby  • Morley  • Belo Betty  • Lindbergh  • Karasu  • Raizo  • Who's-Who  • Queen  • Jack  • King  • Page One  • Black Maria  • Sasaki  • Basil Hawkins  • Eustass Kid  • Scratchmen Apoo  • Killer
Non-Canon: Shuzo  • Alpacacino  • Z  • Komei  • Kung-Fu Dugong  • Byrnndi World  • Dice  • Prodi  • Charlotte Cabaletta  • Douglas Bullet  • Batman  • Speed  • Alpacaman  • Fujin
Haoshoku Haki
Canon: Shanks  • Silvers Rayleigh  • Boa Hancock  • Monkey D. Luffy  • Edward Newgate   • Portgas D. Ace   • Donquixote Doflamingo  • Chinjao  • Charlotte Linlin  • Charlotte Katakuri  • Kozuki Oden   • Eustass Kid  • Sengoku  • Kaidou  • Gol D. Roger   • Roronoa Zoro  • Yamato
Non-Canon: Naguri  • Douglas Bullet
Groups: Vice Admirals  • Admirals  • Fleet Admirals  • Kuja
Locations: Skypiea  • Wano Country

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Individuals with Bounties
Over 5,000,000,000: Gol D. Roger*   • Edward Newgate*
5,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,000: Kaidou*   • Charlotte Linlin*   • Shanks*   • Marshall D. Teach*   • Monkey D. Luffy*   • King*   • Marco*   • Queen*   • Charlotte Katakuri*
1,000,000,000 to 500,000,000: Jack*   • Charlotte Smoothie*   • Charlotte Cracker*   • Charlotte Perospero*   • Sabo*   • Charlotte Snack*   • Little Oars Jr.*   • Portgas D. Ace*   • Who's-Who*   • Chinjao*   • Izou*
500,000,000 to 100,000,000: Trafalgar Law*   • Edward Weevil*   • Black Maria*   • Sasaki*   • Eustass Kid*   • Belo Betty*   • Jinbe*   • Tamago*   • Karasu*   • Ulti*   • Pedro*   • Scratchmen Apoo*   • Capone Bege*   • Donquixote Doflamingo*   • Pekoms*   • Cavendish*   • Vinsmoke Sanji*   • Basil Hawkins*   • Gecko Moria*   • Roronoa Zoro*   • Lindbergh*   • Charlotte Oven*   • Charlotte Daifuku*   • Caesar Clown*   • Bartholomew Kuma*   • Morley*   • Page One*   • Fisher Tiger*   • X Drake*   • Squard*   • Caribou*   • Sai*   • Killer*   • Usopp*   • Bartolomeo*   • Bellamy*   • Coribou*   • Orlumbus*   • Jewelry Bonney*   • Nico Robin*   • Charlotte Mont-d'Or*   • Urouge*   • Bobbin*
100,000,000 to 50,000,000: Dorry*   • Brogy*   • Trebol*   • Diamante*   • Pica*   • Vito*   • Rockstar*   • Franky*   • Albion*   • Gotti*   • Lip Doughty*   • Brook*   • Crocodile*   • Chadros Higelyges*   • Boa Hancock*   • Nico Olvia*   • Daz Bonez*   • Raccoon*   • Gyro*   • Doc Q*   • Suleiman*   • Gambia*   • Nami*   • Van Augur*   • Lao G*   • Devil Dias*   • Senor Pink*   • Kelly Funk*   • Peachbeard*
50,000,000 to 10,000,000: Laffitte*   • Roshio*   • Boa Sandersonia*   • Boa Marigold*   • Sarquiss*   • Shoujou*   • Mikazuki*   • Bobby Funk*   • Miss Doublefinger*   • Mr. 2 Bon Kurei*   • Gladius*   • Miss Goldenweek*   • Mont Blanc Cricket*   • Mr. 3*   • Foxy*   • Charlotte Lola*   • Demaro Black*   • Masira*   • Arlong*   • Jesus Burgess*   • Yeti Cool Brothers*   • Krieg*   • Lacuba*   • Kuro*   • Buggy*   • Dellinger*   • Bluejam*   • Miss Merry Christmas*   • Gin*   • Machvise*
and under
Mr. 5*   • Wellington*   • Jango*   • Kuroobi*   • Higuma*   • Hatchan*   • Curly Dadan*   • Miss Valentine*   • Sham & Buchi*   • Chew*   • Alvida*   • Porchemy*   • Mr. 4*   • Bepo*   • Tony Tony Chopper*
Unknown reward: Benn Beckman  • Lucky Roux  • Yasopp  • Zeff  • Dracule Mihawk  • Monkey D. Dragon  • Crocus  • Yorki  • Jozu  • Vista  • Silvers Rayleigh  • Emporio Ivankov  • Inazuma  • Shiryu  • Sanjuan Wolf  • Vasco Shot  • Catarina Devon  • Avalo Pizarro  • Aladine  • Charlotte Amande  • Kozuki Oden
Over 10,000,000: Bounty*   • Prize*   • Byrnndi World*   • Panz Fry*   • Chameleone*   • Lambor Bukini*   • Puggy*   • Dopp*   • Puzzle*   • Gasparde*   • Tambu*   • Bobrad*   • Woonan*   • Needless*   • Olive*   • Willy*   • Bigalo*   • Battler*   • Wetton*   • Bear King*   • Eldoraggo*   • Dick*
Under 10,000,000: Pin Joker*   • Golass*   • Honey Queen*   • Skunk One*   • Gally*   • Billy (Bandit)*   • Heaby*   • Hotdog*   • Spiel*   • Pandaman*   • Boo Jack*   • Billy (Pirate)*   • A A A*   • Wild Joe*   • D.R.*   • Hitokui*   • Henna Oyag*   • Koba K*   • Usanksai*   • Sard*   • Tohenbok*   • Tacobo*
Unknown reward: Patrick Redfield*   • Mobu Head*   • Red Arrows Pirates*   • Dareda  • Dontacos
Others: Gill Bastar*   • Mikio Itoo*
Related Articles
Bounties: List of Bounties  • Gallery of Bounties
Others: Pirates  • Bandits  • World Government  • Justice  • Bounty Hunters

[v ·e ·?]

Rocks Pirates
Members: Rocks D. Xebec   • Edward Newgate  • Charlotte Linlin  • Kaidou  • Shiki  • John  • Silver Axe  • Ochoku
Devil Fruit Based: Soru Soru no Mi  • Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu
Weapon Based: Murakumogiri  • Hassaikai
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Islands: Hachinosu  • God Valley
Story Arcs: Levely Arc  • Wano Country Arc
Other: Four Emperors  • Will of D.  • God Valley Incident (Monkey D. Garp  • Gol D. Roger)

[v ·e ·?]

Emperors: Du Feld  • Stussy*   • Drug Peclo  • Morgans  • Giberson  • Umit
Brokers: Joker   • Tamago  • Pekoms
Purchasers: Crocodile   • Franky   • World Nobles (CP0)  • Kaidou  • Charlotte Linlin  • Breed
Mercenaries: Yeti Cool Brothers*   • Bobby Funk  • Kelly Funk  • Suleiman  • Vinsmoke Family (Germa 66)
Intermediate Providers: Duval   • Disco   • Caesar Clown  • Ibusu  • Carmel
Mafia: Capone Bege  • Bartolomeo
Yakuza: Kyoshiro Family (Kyoshiro  • Kuni  • Kaku  • Suke)  • Hyogoro   • Omasa   • Tsunagoro   • Cho   • Yatappe
Organ Traders: Jigra   • Gum   • 150   • Opera   • Wolf
Other Associates: Silvers Rayleigh   • Trafalgar D. Water Law   • Vergo   • Donquixote Rosinante   • Jack  • Eustass Kid  • Killer  • Rob Lucci  • Kuzan  • Charlotte Linlin  • Pandora*
Goods: Dance Powder  • Treasure Tree Adam  • Slaves  • SMILE (SAD)  • Weapons  • H2S  • Shinokuni  • Devil Fruits  • Liquor Iron Ore  • Koro
Devil Fruit Based: Suna Suna no Mi  • Ito Ito no Mi   • Shiro Shiro no Mi  • Kame Kame no Mi  • Tama Tama no Mi  • Gasu Gasu no Mi  • Ope Ope no Mi  • Jiki Jiki no Mi  • Bari Bari no Mi  • Jake Jake no Mi  • Nagi Nagi no Mi   • Zou Zou no Mi, Model: Mammoth  • Soru Soru no Mi  • Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Albatross  • Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu  • Peto Peto no Mi
Weapon Based: H2S  • Shinokuni  • Cyborg Tactics  • Koro  • Scythe  • Raid Suit
Fighting Style Based: Haki  • Rokushiki  • Cloning
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Story Arcs: Reverse Mountain Arc  • Whisky Peak Arc  • Little Garden Arc  • Arabasta Arc  • Water 7 Arc  • Sabaody Archipelago Arc  • Fish-Man Island Arc  • Punk Hazard Arc  • Dressrosa Arc  • Zou Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc  • Wano Country Arc
Locations: Arabasta  • Sabaody Archipelago (Human Auctioning House)  • Punk Hazard  • Dressrosa (SMILE Factory)  • Germa Kingdom  • Sheep's House
Associated Groups/Crews: Baroque Works  • Franky Family  • Flying Fish Riders  • World Government  • Fire Tank Pirates  • Big Mom Pirates  • Donquixote Pirates  • Barto Club  • Beasts Pirates  • Five Families of the West  • Organ Dealing Assassination Group
Other: Sakazuki  • WELCOME VIP  • CP0

[v ·e ·?]

Fish-Man Island
Neptune Family: Poseidon   • Neptune  • Otohime   • Fukaboshi  • Ryuboshi  • Manboshi  • Shirahoshi
Fish-Men: Arlong  • Hatchan  • Chew  • Kuroobi  • Pisaro  • Kaneshiro  • Take  • Shioyaki  • Octopako  • Jinbe  • Hammond  • Kasagoba  • Hody Jones  • Fisher Tiger   • Ammo Knights  • Dosun  • Zeo  • Daruma  • Ikaros Much  • Harisenbon  • Junan  • Papaneel  • Togare  • Tom   • Hack  • Gotan   • Nuru   • Meverly   • Garcia
Merfolk: Camie  • Kokoro   • Hyouzou  • Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets  • Ishilly  • Kairen  • Hiramera  • Seira  • Mero  • Lulis  • Adele  • Fillonce  • Sora  • Shyarly  • Minister of the Right  • Minister of the Left  • Den  • Aladine  • Maria Napole  • Luca
Animals: Pappag  • Surume  • Megalo  • Hoe  • Daidalos
Fighting Style Based: Haki  • Fish-Man Karate (Fish-Man Jujutsu)  • Merman Combat  • Merman Gujutsu
Weapon Based: Rokutoryu  • Kiribachi  • Hattoryu  • Kirisame
Others: Energy Steroid  • Bubbly Coral  • Voice of All Things
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Story Arc(s): Fish-Man Island Arc  • Whole Cake Island Arc  • Levely Arc  • Wano Country Arc
Cover Stories: From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc
Locations: Ryugu Kingdom  • Ryugu Palace  • Mermaid Cove (Coral Mansion)  • Coral Hill  • Gyoverly Hills  • Sea Forest  • Fish-Man District  • Fish-Man Karate Dojo  • Candy Factory Town  • Gyoncorde Plaza  • John's Candies Shop
Ship(s): Noah  • Ryugu
Organizations: Seven Warlords of the Sea  • Sun Pirates  • Arlong Pirates  • Macro Pirates  • New Fish-Man Pirates  • Flying Pirates  • Big Mom Pirates  • Whitebeard Pirates
Others: Slavery  • Edward Newgate  • Charlotte Linlin  • Tamatebako*   • Levely

How Do I Beat Level 837 In Lily's Garden


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